Monday, December 9, 2019


Hola hola gente como están? Este semana fue bien locaso!!! A bunch of crazy things happened on tuesday we were just working a normal day nothing too exciting, wednesday too, found lots of people to teach and taught a bunch of people too and all the charlas were súper good! Thursday we had a district meeting and another choque de fuerza (where all the missionaries in the zone do contacts in one single area) and literally it was so hot that day and NO ONE OPENED THE DOOR. How does that just happen???? Like we knocked whole entire streets and no one opened the door!! Lets just say it was really sad 😂 also we had our own little thanksgiving where we had rotisary chicken, mashed potatoes, veggies, and stuffing too, fue bien bueno de verdad. On friday we had to get on a bus at 1 a.m. un the morning to go to Montevideo for a multizona conference with Elder Benjamin De Hoyos of the 70!!! Lets just say this man is SUPER CAPO!!! He taught us A LOT of really good things we can use to be better missionaries for the people we teach and it was just súper súper good! Saturday, lets just say this was probs one of the more crazy things thats happened while on my mission, so saturday is a normal day and we're just walking to one of our charlas and this guy comes up behind us and was like "wow you guys are so precious" and kept going and we were like what haha and then like 30 feet in front of us he stops his bike and gets off so we go to start turning a córner we didnt need to take cause we know this cant be good and hes like "Walt can i talk to you guys?" And we're like bueno so we walk to go talk to him and he sits down on this bench and hes like here sit down and we're like Ah nah we're okay standing and hes like okay so then he starts telling us about personal "needs" that were súper pero súper really bad, and then he goes "i just need a woman to give me what i want" and we were like alright we're gonna go now and he started yelling at us and he was like "YOU" and he pointing at me and hes like "I WANT YOU TO MARRY ME! CAN YOU DO THAT?" and i was like you know im gonna go think about it over there and then we zoomed out because that was not a good situation to be pretty sure he was on drugs or something haha but like...que raro. On sunday we went to church and we were waiting for someone name Martín to come and then this Lady that we had been teaching and the dropped Named Sylvia came walking in and i was SO HAPPY!!! Shd was so cute haha and yesterday we had a charla with her and it was the first charla we've had with her where she actually listened to us teach and didnt talk about random things!!! But yeah yall this was my week haha hope you guys have a good week next week!!

Con amor, hermana Anderson 

1. María Estela!! Súper capa!
2. Sylvia!!!
3. Elder MacDonald's Funeral (cause hes going home, hermana pereira too if you can see her crossing her arm on her chest haha)
4. My first "ice cream" of my mission
5. On the way to Montevideo with hermana johansen hahaha

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