Monday, November 25, 2019


Welllll this week was say the least haha we had another choque de fuerza which was súper awesome because we got to work with the jóvenes from the other ward! We worked with Laurda and shes literally so cute haha we found this lady who lived by herself and she lost her husband like 8 months ago and cute lil Laurda bore her testimony about the plan of salvation and gave her a book of mormon so she could go visit her again with the elders! Que tierna no? Also this week was the Elder MacDonald's (hos the district leader) birthday and we thought he was turning 20 but actually he was turning 21...oops haha but we all acted like we forgot it was his birthday until after district meeting and he was so happy! 
Alsoooooo this week everyone but me had the flu...bit like it was bad...they all had fevers for like 4 days so we were all in the house and i was just running around trying to keep all their fevers down and like 2 of them dont believe in pills so i ended up staying up for like 3 days changing cold rags and making them eat and drink water even tho they didnt want to and so i havent slept very well because i left having to get up every 45 mins to change cold rags and cook food...i basically played mom again haha i havent played mom since Kathryne!! Then on sunday we all tried going to church and we made it through the first hour and had to go home cause everyone was dying so...we tried haha.

Other than that i dont have a whole lot more to share about the week because i didnt leave haha but i did study a lot and one of the things i did was watch the video with the two brothers who decided to go rock climbing and almost died and i started thinking about that and basically i learned that the Lord always has his hand extended out to each and every one of us and its our job as missionaries to help others reach out their down hands to take his because there is always someone waiting for the  power of his outstretched arms. When we bring others to him and help them understand their purpose in his plan they will start to understand the importance of their eternal now. As missionaries are a light to everyone we meet, its whether or not we are shining that light that matters. We cant expect to spark the spiritual interest of someone if we arent sharing or feeding our down spiritual Fire to start that spark. By living your eternal now in the best way you possibly can, we influencia others to begin living their down eternal now. Haha okay frfr thats all i have to share for now. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk and ill see you all again next week haha CHAO!!

-Hermana Anderson <3

1. Choque de fuerza
2. Paisaje
3. Preparando para el cumple de elder MacDonald
4. Just a selfie to bless your week

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