Monday, November 11, 2019


This week was soooooo long haha but it was good. So what had happened was we did a choque de fuerza in the area of the elders which is basically we just knock doors in their area and help them find people to teach, so we did that and it was super super good found some really good people for them...but then on the way home we almost missed our bus so we had all 16 of us missionaries running to catch a bus and it was super funny tbh but we caught the bus so thats good but when i was sitting on the bus i had the biggest feeling of tiredness ever and i was like well we have 2 hours so im okay to sleep for a bit, so i fell asleep. then when i woke up my throat hurt literally sooooooo so bad so i was like what the heck thats so random cause i didnt feel sick my throat just hurted so i didnt think anything of it, well like 3 hours later it was still hurting super bad and i was not feeling good like at all and so i was like bueno lets take a look, so i look at my tonsils and theyre like covered in white spots and i was like ah, well that explains a lot. so i call the mission nurse and shes like alright go buy these pills and these pills and yeah, i bought them and as of right now im still on antibiotics haha so ive been dealing with no voice and also i got alergies really bad like 2 days ago so i had to go buy more  pills and haha its just a lot but we're all good over here.
as far as the work goes, its beginning to think my purpose here isnt to baptize people... i have 2 baptisms and one of them technically isnt even mine, i think im here to reactivate the inactives because in my time here we've reactivated over 10 people and the ward is bigger than it was when i got here for that so im not mad or stressed that i dont have people to baptise!
that about sums up my week haha love yall

hermana anderson

1. Yudith!!
2. The nice dogos
3. 6 mese!!!
4. Éter 12:12
5. Your weekly blessing of a selfie

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