Monday, February 10, 2020


OOOOOOOO WE'RE HALF WAY THEREEE OOOOOOHHHHHH LIVIN ON A PRAAAYYYEERRR!!!!!!! In casé you didnt know hahaha I hit 9 months this week!!! Que loco no? Anyways this week was pretty good!!! We found a couple more people to teach and we taught a lot of charlas and the best part ELDER UCHTDORF CAME!!!! The conference with him was so good!!! So we took all mission picture with him and it was sooooo awesome haha he said we came in and lined up better than the other mission and that that makes us cooler haha soooo that was a huge compliment for us haha and after the picture when we all left, we got to shake his hand and when he shook my hand, he took my hand with both hands (which he didnt do with others) and he looked me dead in the eyes and he said thank you for your faith and for being a great missionary, and that was that!!!! HE TOOK MY HAND WITH HIS TWO HANDS PEOPLLLLEEEEEE!!!! HAPPY 9 MONTHS IN THE MISSIONNNNNN TO MEEEEE JAJAJAJA!!!!! Haha no but for real tho the conference with him was actually amazing! He talked a lot about how we should have more confidence to invite people and just do it, because bueno a lot of us like to think about whats gonna happen if we do things in a certain way so we think of another way to do it, and basically he said "dont prejudge the reaction, just invite and leave the decisión to them" so that was something that was really powerful. Another thing he said that was really important was that he talked about a lot of the people who repent and then still feel bad about what theyve done and they wanna know why that have to remember what it is that theyre done and why it still hurts...well the answer is in D&C 58:41-43! The promise is, that when we repent the Lord forgets what we've done, he doesnt promise that we'll forget or that we'll feel better, but we can and will feel of the joy of the atonement when we forgive ourselves. Its really awesome to hear the words of an apóstol in person!!! We also had the new missionary conference this week and Presidente told us "si quieren cambiar algo, pues bien, hágalo ya" which basically is like if you wanna change, thats good, just do it then haha i love this man hes so blunt sometimes and its great and i love it because it makes me laugh 😂😂 but anyways this is what i have for the week (: hope yall have a good one!!! Hermana Anderson 1. I found a horse man!!! Couldnt ride it cause thats against the rules but i got to walk it around! 2. Kate!!! 3. Selfie from sunday because one of our investigators made me wear them if he had to wear a tie to church 😂 4. Paisaje

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