Monday, February 3, 2020


Hey hey hey!!! So like...this week was so good...apart from it being really hot...but its all good cause we found 14 people to teach!!! Its all worth it because bueno i get to be a missionary and actually watch myself be and instrument in the hands of the Lord and see the blessings ive been blessed with come to life!! #1: Martín!! Martín is someone we met in the street and he had some really cool bracelets on his ankles and i wasnt gonna say anything like at all other than hey, so i say hey and then literally something in my chest like...directed me to made me turn to him!! So i just start asking him about his bracelets and we get to talking about his beliefs and about the atonement and he starts telling us his story and past with drugs and basically told us that everything he has is because Jesús saved him so that he could have a second chance with his family!!! It was a really awesome conversation...he wild but hes gonna be really good!! #2: Ángela and her mom: These two are the reason you should always always always work until the last posible minute in your day!! So de were just knocking doors todo bien, and i just felt very strongly to knock this one door, so we knock and the mom comes out and goes oh i thought you guys were my daughter and so we start talking and her daughter comes up and she has a huge rosary around her neck and then we get to talking about Jesús again (because bueno thats why im here) and i felt very strongly to ask them what they believe Jesús did for them and then we started talking about the atonement and the mom starts crying just out of nowhere!!! And then i gave her a hug cause i dont like when people cry, and we started talking about the part of the atonement where the savior is in the gardenia of gethsemani, and talking about how when we're struggling de can always have the peace of mind that theres always someone there who knows what its like and the mom went on to telling us that we were really truely sent to her door by the Lord...i still have no idea why she was crying or what happened because she didnt tell us and i felt bad asking but it was really a great experiencia!! #3: María Bueno María is someone who doesnt exactly go to church anymore because some elderes from like 10 years ago lied to her about bringing her a dress to wear to we get to talking about forgiveness and share a video with her and promise her that we are gonna bring her a dress and, she came to church 😌 #4: we put 2 baptism dates #5: no morimos de calor!!!! This is about all i got for the week pero solo para que sepan, la misão es lo mejor de todo y todos deben ir si tienen la oportunidad!!!! Con amor, Hermana Andy 1&2: well we found a nice wall...and you people know i like walls for pictures 3. Some guy just drove up and took a picture with all of us...pretty sure hes a member haha but yeah that was fun

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