Wednesday, December 25, 2019


Holaaaaa...okay wow actually a lot happened this week sooooo we had a huge christmas celebración with half the was literally huge and it was sooooo amazing!! We did a little program with songs and speakers...well i knew i was speaking but i didnt realize i was the first one!!! So that was interesting, but i saw a lot of friends there and it was súper great! This week has also been pretty stressful because we had to go house hunting...we had to find a house in 1 day do that we could be ready to move in by this week...well obviously we arent moving in this week because contracts take a lil bit but we found a really nice apartament so menos mal. Also we did A LOT of caroling...and i mean A LOT lol but it was fun haha cause we did it with service so we did a lot of service this week so that was really awesome! 

Christmas un Uruguay
So way down here in the UY its summer we dont do a lot of things the same...first off christmas eve is called noche buena...and no one does christmas pjs or christmas eve presents...everyone gets together in their huge families and has a huge huge. And everyone stays up instead of going to bed early because at midnight everyone lets off at midnight last night our sky was full of all the colors possible for legit 10 mins straight!! It was awesomeeeeee haga

Alsooooo i wrote a songggg anddddd well its not anything special bc the quality of the phone isnt that good but its not done getting worked on yet anyways haha but when its done a video is comin your wayyyyyy haha

Feliz Christmasssssss!!!!

Hermana Anderson

1. Celebración de Navidad!!!
2. Hermana Fry, Hermana Johnson, Hermana Montaña, mi compa, Hermana Torres, Hermana Smith 
3. Bautismo! 
4. A lil song i wrote.....its a work in progress haha sooooo 

Monday, December 16, 2019


Holaaaaaa!!! This week felt so long because it was SO busy haha so first off on tuesday i had an interview with el presidente de la misión and it was súper good...found lut im speaking in front of the whole mission on thursday this week at the Christmas conference sooooo that will be interesting haha and then right after the interview i had to leave to go to Montevideo to finish doing my cédula (im oficially Uruguaya for the next 18 months haha) so that was fun and we stayed in a HOTEL! The hotel was súper lindo and its probs the best shower ive had in my whole mission if im being honest lolllll but yeah i got to see the beach while i was there and that just made me so so happy because I LOVE THE BEACH! Thursday we visited an old folks home and sang christmas songs to them and they loved it...well all except this one little ole lady who told us we were making her head hurt lol...i like to believe she liked it too lol. Friday I had intercambios with hermana johansen (: shes from utah...we literally had nothing planned that day so we just put people down to go visit and i have no idea how it happened but NO ONE WAS HOME lollll so basically we just took an 8 hour walk in the sun knocking doors and talking to the gente, so that was productive, then that night we got on a bus to Montevideo to go to the temple!!!

So while we were at the temple it was so fun! We saw the pesebre (im pretty sure its called a nativity in english) and it was so pretty! Ive never seen the pesebre at a temple before! But anyways  while we were waiting to go into the temple i met this family from idaho whos traveling the world to visit all the temples... the Uruguay Montevideo Temple is their 43rd temple in a year!!!! And get this...THEYRE DRIVING THE WHOLE TIME WITH 3 LITTLE KIDS!!! I dont know how they have patience for that lol but it was cool to hear some english after all this time. So this is where the cool part we got into the temple with our ward and they were like alright are you guys doing baptisms and we were like nah we're just here to help and they were like perfect you guys are going to be TESTIGOS (witnesses)!!!! Yall. I was a witness in the temple for baptisms!! Ive bever even been a witness for a regular baptism but its so cool that my first time was in the temple!!!! At first we were sitting in the witness chairs and waiting for the youth to come out from changing and i was just sitting there looking at the water and i was like wait im literally a lifegaurd again but like in the spiritual sense haha because im literally watching and making sure an ordinance is being done correctly so that someone else can begin receiving their heavenly blessings!! So that was really fun for me and also really special!

Thats about all i have for the week!!! Hope Hall have a good one!

Con amor,
Hermana Anderson 

P.S. if you havent seen it already, this is the Christ Child video...ITS THE BEST ONE THEYVE EVER MADE SO I INVITE ALL OF YOU TO WATCH IT IF YOU HAVENT ALREADY!!!! Its something we've been watching a lot out here and every time it makes me want to cry soooo its worth it!

2&3. Temple
4. Pesebre en el templo!!

Monday, December 9, 2019


This week we had cambiossss and guess what? IM STAYING WITH THE COLOMBIANA!!! Im súper excited tbh haha. I turned 7 months in the mission on saturday and so that was fun! Turns out December 7 is día de las velitas in Colombia so we celebrated my cumplemes with candles like the colombianos and then we put up the cute lil christmas tree my mom sent me and its súper cuteeee and its christmas and i love it haha

One of our goals this cambio is to get up every morning and go running and so weve been doing that and this guy in one of the other wars saw us running and he was like "OIIIII SIIIIIII VAMOS ARRIBA HERMANASSSSSSS" hahaha so that was really funny and really fun and ive started getting back into vertical training so when i go back home i wont have lost all my vertical and yeahhhhh im súper exciteddddd yo keep running cause i like doing that! 

This week Sylvia came to church again and brought PEPE with her!!!! They are progressing SO FAST like its so crazy...every time we have charlas with them theyve read more of the book of mormon than we asked them to and theyre already in 1 nefi 13 after 1 week!!!! Theyre FLYING frfr #milagros 

Really not much else happened this week but funny story: so we were walking to the church the other day to do studies and i had this HUGE sneeze that like almost knocked me over but when i breathed in right before the sneeze a bug flew into my mouth and i started choking and i couldnt breathe for like 30 seconds and my companion was just laughing ar me and the cute old man on the porch where it happened laughed at me too 😂😂😂 and yeah that happened lol but hope everyone has a good week this week!!!

1. Parte de la misión con Benjamin de Hoyos
2&3. Dia de las velitas
4. Its not cold but i just really like my new hat man 😂😂
5. Our cute lil tree


Hola hola gente como están? Este semana fue bien locaso!!! A bunch of crazy things happened on tuesday we were just working a normal day nothing too exciting, wednesday too, found lots of people to teach and taught a bunch of people too and all the charlas were súper good! Thursday we had a district meeting and another choque de fuerza (where all the missionaries in the zone do contacts in one single area) and literally it was so hot that day and NO ONE OPENED THE DOOR. How does that just happen???? Like we knocked whole entire streets and no one opened the door!! Lets just say it was really sad 😂 also we had our own little thanksgiving where we had rotisary chicken, mashed potatoes, veggies, and stuffing too, fue bien bueno de verdad. On friday we had to get on a bus at 1 a.m. un the morning to go to Montevideo for a multizona conference with Elder Benjamin De Hoyos of the 70!!! Lets just say this man is SUPER CAPO!!! He taught us A LOT of really good things we can use to be better missionaries for the people we teach and it was just súper súper good! Saturday, lets just say this was probs one of the more crazy things thats happened while on my mission, so saturday is a normal day and we're just walking to one of our charlas and this guy comes up behind us and was like "wow you guys are so precious" and kept going and we were like what haha and then like 30 feet in front of us he stops his bike and gets off so we go to start turning a córner we didnt need to take cause we know this cant be good and hes like "Walt can i talk to you guys?" And we're like bueno so we walk to go talk to him and he sits down on this bench and hes like here sit down and we're like Ah nah we're okay standing and hes like okay so then he starts telling us about personal "needs" that were súper pero súper really bad, and then he goes "i just need a woman to give me what i want" and we were like alright we're gonna go now and he started yelling at us and he was like "YOU" and he pointing at me and hes like "I WANT YOU TO MARRY ME! CAN YOU DO THAT?" and i was like you know im gonna go think about it over there and then we zoomed out because that was not a good situation to be pretty sure he was on drugs or something haha but like...que raro. On sunday we went to church and we were waiting for someone name Martín to come and then this Lady that we had been teaching and the dropped Named Sylvia came walking in and i was SO HAPPY!!! Shd was so cute haha and yesterday we had a charla with her and it was the first charla we've had with her where she actually listened to us teach and didnt talk about random things!!! But yeah yall this was my week haha hope you guys have a good week next week!!

Con amor, hermana Anderson 

1. María Estela!! Súper capa!
2. Sylvia!!!
3. Elder MacDonald's Funeral (cause hes going home, hermana pereira too if you can see her crossing her arm on her chest haha)
4. My first "ice cream" of my mission
5. On the way to Montevideo with hermana johansen hahaha