Monday, August 12, 2019


Hola Amigos!! Este semana era muy bueno, pero lluvío mucho!!! haha so this week the weather was pretty interesting if im being basically tuesday was super super pretty and it was warm so i didnt wear a jacket and i legit got sunburned on the back of my neck!! but then guess what happened, it was cold and rainey the rest of the week!! so now begins the mission tan lol

also i had intercambios with hermana baugh again!! shes from georgia too and we live in the same house so we're eachother's little piece of home! but we had a really great time, we say a lot of the same things and we cook the same way haha so i have a new friend for after the mission!!!

also one time this week we had lunch with a member and he asked me where i was from so i definetly said georgia and pulls that up on google maps and gives me a scared look and he goes "do you have slaves?" and he only asked this because i had told him i basically live on a farm but it was diffictult trying to exp'lain to him that slaved are not a thing anymore cause i dont have that kind of vocabulary haha

also. i freakin got bit by a dog. i hate dogs. theyre super mean here but this is how we live life here haha trying not to get bit by dogs.

anyways i hope you guys have a great rest of the week now that im an official missionary for being bit by a dog!!
Hermana Anderson

1. when they tell you they dont want nothin

2.silly photo

3. uno bueno photo

4. paisaje!!

5. another one

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