Monday, August 5, 2019


Hola!!! Este semana realmente era muy bien!!! So i got to my new area and received my new companion, her name is Hermana Rojas!!! she's from colombia and doesnt know a lick of english at all haha so ive been speaking spanish for about 5 days straight now!! im already kind of catching myself mixing spanish with english which is super annoying cause i keep having to retype words in english so sorry in advance for the random spanish!

So this week the work was way way way better than in Lascano!! we found 9 new people to teach in 3 days (which is really good for my comp and i because she said that never happens haha but she keeps calling me a "capa" which means super awesome but idk im just out here doing my job) but anyways we were lucky to have that many in a week in lascano!!! also theres actually youth in this area and theyre all so fun!! we play soccer with them every saturday morning and they have decided to start calling me "Gringa" because american haha but they all said im pretty good at soccer for being an american which is shocking because i actually SUCK at soccer haha but its fun. also theres a family that we teach and they're super super awesome and the kids love me because of my accent haha but we sing hymns before every charla to invite the spirit and the kids usually never sing but they were all crouding around me trying to share my hymn book to sing and it made the dad cry so that was super awesome!!

at church they have a small ward of maybe 50 people which is actually pretty decent for here and they have a real church building and a real baptismal font haha its sooooo different from my last area!! the members are amazing!!! theyre all so so so welcoming and they tried to guess where i was from and they all gussed places like argentina, brazil, bolivia, and peru haha none of them thought i was american until i said "Soy Hermana Anderson y soy de los estados unidos" haha then they started telling everyone that i was "the son of ander" and that i was from the united states haha. but everyone seems to love my accent which is funny to me because i dont even sound THAT gringa haha. sunday school here is the best because we study the come follow me lessons together and this week they acted out the whole thing hahahaaaa it was so so so funny because they dressed up too!!

my zone here is super awesome!! there's a bunch of us and we always do some sort of sporting activity every week haha this week we played broom hockey which was probably a little bit dangerous because i got my fingers squished a few times in between broomsticks but its okay haha it didnt hurt that bad! we also played capture the flag and basketball which was super fun as well, but all in all i really like my new area!!
This is my mailing address if you guys want to send me letters!!
Hermana KateLynn Anderson
Misión Uruguay Montevideo
Dalmiro Costa 4635 Bis Malvino 11400 
Montevideo Uruguay

1. Me and Hermana Pembertonnnnnn

2. Hermana Rojas!! Mì compañera nueva!!!

3. us at church!

4. would i be me without a selfie?

5. mi en el paisaje

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