We´ve been getting a lot closer as a district recently because our Book of mormon share times have been getting really deep!! i´m also kind of an airhead sometimes (what else is new) but now im the butt of a lot of our inside jokes but we all have jokes on each other and its super fun because we use them against eachother!
We play lots and lots of volleyball here and i thought it was gonna be like PE volleyball but its actually so fun because its super competetive because we play with everyone from everywhere and its so funny cause everyone here calls me coach! they always ask me how to do certain skills and thats why they call me that haha also i have like 8 bruises on my knees haha pero esta bien
Also im super sorry for the random spanish because im in between 2 languages and my mind keeps automatically saying certain words in spanish...ill probs forget english honestly haha
P.S. If you guys wanna send me little notes or anything else, use missionarypackagemx.org and you can send me stuff! Letters are free and i´ll get them the day you send them to me!! My district is 7B (:
1. Latino Elders!!
2. our fave latinos
3. hermanas en mí distrito
4. meeeeee 
I Forgot About the Wong Gong Thing!
So last night we had a devotional by elder Gong and his wife and it was super cool!! so it was actually
a broadcast from provo and they both shared super cool messages! so sister gong talked a lot about
ministering and being nice to everyone even if we dont like them very much because you never know
what theyre going through! Elder gong spoke to us about kind of the same thing and built off of what his
wife said and talked a lot about joseph smith and the importance of missionary work and how we
shouldn´t take what happened in the sacred grove for granted. he also said that the guy who owns the
property the sacred grove is on knows about the history but isnt a member. he also has a really strong
testimony about what happened there! anyways i just thought it was cool!!
a broadcast from provo and they both shared super cool messages! so sister gong talked a lot about
ministering and being nice to everyone even if we dont like them very much because you never know
what theyre going through! Elder gong spoke to us about kind of the same thing and built off of what his
wife said and talked a lot about joseph smith and the importance of missionary work and how we
shouldn´t take what happened in the sacred grove for granted. he also said that the guy who owns the
property the sacred grove is on knows about the history but isnt a member. he also has a really strong
testimony about what happened there! anyways i just thought it was cool!!
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