Wednesday, June 12, 2019


Ahhhh so this week has been pretty eventful! So first, this week we started a game where we have to wear little post it note tags on our name tags and you start off with 8, but if you say any single word in english, you have to take a sticky note its super hard...i literally only said like 2 words in english the entire time i was in class yesterday (which if you dont already know, is legit all freaking day long pero esta bien) so i currently have 6 post its left haha. Also last night in the devotional i was part of a vocal trio in a special musical number which was in spanish and i think we did super good!! people keep coming up to us and telling us we did super well and that we have a really perfect blend of voices!! We sang "Conmigo quedate, Señor" which is "abide with me tis even tide" its a really pretty song in spanish, i would even say better in spanish than english!

ALSO I DONT HAVE TO VISA WAIT!!! So Im going straight out to Uruguay which is crazy cause theres 2 other girls here going to my mission as well and they said it took them a long time to get there visas but im just glad i dont have to visa wait and worry about the weight of my suitcases anymore than i need to!! The one thing im REALLY not looking forward to is the fact that my first flight is 10 hours to Sao Paulo, Brazil and my second one is another 4 to Montevideo, Uruguay...thats too long haha but worth it

also at some point this week, i think it was friday, but we were having a pretend ward council meeting in spanish, and my teacher says to Elder Charlton "Usted es el obispo" (you are the bishop) and elder charlton was lijke "¿Que?" and so she told im again "usted es un obispo" and then again elder Charlton was like what haha so she tells him again but slower this time and is like "Usted. Es. Un. Obispo." haha and he still doesnt understand what she´s saying and he thinks long and hard for a good 2 minuets and finally asks "wait did you just call me a baseball?" and all of us just start laughing because right after he asked that question he was like "wait you mean bishop" 😂😂 we have a lot of those moments here but all that matters is that we´re all trying

1. My favorite picture here of the savior
2. Elder Lee and Elder Gobel
3. Elder Poulson and Elder Rowley
4. Everyone who called me coach because they left this week haha
5. A picture of the Savior that the Elder Walker from my district drew me 

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