Tuesday, June 25, 2019

A New Country, A New Address

If you would like to send love to Hermana Anderson, please use the following mailing address:

                                             Hermana KateLynn Anderson
                                             Uruguay Montevideo Mission
                                             Dalmiro Costa 4635 Bis
                                             11400 Montevideo

She loves mail and hearing from everyone. Letters and packages are delivered directly to her about once per month, sometimes more frequently depending on her location. What does this mean? Mail day is like Christmas, every single time!!

*Keep in mind that if you send her packages, you will need to make sure to fill out a customs declaration form. The post office is always helpful with filling them out if you have never had the opportunity to do so!

"i love youuuu"

Pictures from in country week 1!

Monday, June 24, 2019


Sorry I didn´temail last week buttttttt...YA GIRL IS IN FREAKIN URUGUAY NOWWWWW!!!! Yall it´s COLD haha but its actually so pretty here and its...well the sky and the fields are anyways...the town is pretty dirty but its great here! So my first area is called Lascano! its super super campo here (basically the land of the yee yees) so where its less populated it´s super pretty! Also something really cool, since my first area is Lascno, its on the boarder of Brazil,and we have go to brazil every week for district meetings, which is super duper awesome because i basically have 2 countries in my first area!!!

So far, the spanish is HARD. My trainer said I´ve been doing REALLY REALLY well with the language! She said that thefact that i can actually contribute and be part of the lesson is very suprising for an oro (a new missionary in the field) Speaking isn´t actually too hard for me except for remembering the -SH sound in words where that´s nessecary, its understanding the people thats super hard...so you know how sometimes when you go to the southern states and the southern accent is so thick its a little hard to understand at first? Well here that is exactly what it´s like haha so i cant understand everyone yet haha but i can understand a few people for sure! ALSOOOOOO We have a baptism supposed to be happening on the 6th!!! which is super exciting for this area because this area never ever gets baptisms! we also have 2 more lined up for the following week on the 13 but one might fall through because they still havn´t gotten married yet, but you guys we have so much potential here its amazing!! the branch that i´m in only has like 4 members, but we got 14 people to come this week!!!! THAT´S SO HUGE FOR THIS AREA!!!

Also the food here is super yummy haha we dont really eat a whole lot because we have to travel so much for conferences, meetings, and soon all my residency stuff, but the members feed us a lot of food when we have lunch with them so that´s super awesome!! Also they have these things called alfajores and literally its like eating a piece of heaven!!!!

my trainer is super awesome! hername is hermana king! shes a greenga like me haha except she goes home in 4 months and i have about a little more than 15 left haha but she´s super awesome!!

ALLLLSSSOOOOOO!! you know how people always say that the toilets flush the opposite direction on the otherside of the equator? WELL ITS TRUEEEE!! hahaaaaaa its so weird haha but the toilets here arent that great because you cant even flush toilet paper without ruining them haha so that´s a weird adjustment but i´m thriving out here so its fine!!!
1. me and Hermana King

2. a nicer street

3. our church building

4. the baptism font

5. a sunset

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

She Made It To Montevideo, Uruguay!

I had to work today and have had this sweet young lady in my mind all day. Imagine my relief to get an email this afternoon from Montevideo, Uruguay! It definitely has made my day so much brighter and has lifted my heart.

Here is a the email. Not from her but it feels just as good and included a few pictures.

"Dear Brother and Sister Anderson,
We are writing to inform you that your daughter arrived safely in Uruguay earlier today.  We are so excited to have finally met her and we feel love for her already. She will be spending the night at the temple guest housing, near the mission home, before heading out to her first area in the morning.
Your daughter's Preparation Day will be on Mondays, so you can expect to receive an email from her soon.
We would encourage each of you to write to your daughter each week.  This will help your missionary adjust to life here in Uruguay, and will help her to remain connected with you at home.  Your letters can be a great source of support and encouragement to be obedient and to serve with all her heart, might, mind and strength.
Thank you for allowing us to help care for and serve with your daughter.  We look forward to getting to know her better as we work together to bring the people of Uruguay to Christ.
We love you.  Have a wonderful day.
President Mark and Sister Annie Eddy

Uruguay Montevideo Mission"

Wednesday, June 12, 2019


Ahhhh so this week has been pretty eventful! So first, this week we started a game where we have to wear little post it note tags on our name tags and you start off with 8, but if you say any single word in english, you have to take a sticky note off...so its super hard...i literally only said like 2 words in english the entire time i was in class yesterday (which if you dont already know, is legit all freaking day long pero esta bien) so i currently have 6 post its left haha. Also last night in the devotional i was part of a vocal trio in a special musical number which was in spanish and i think we did super good!! people keep coming up to us and telling us we did super well and that we have a really perfect blend of voices!! We sang "Conmigo quedate, Señor" which is "abide with me tis even tide" its a really pretty song in spanish, i would even say better in spanish than english!

ALSO I DONT HAVE TO VISA WAIT!!! So Im going straight out to Uruguay which is crazy cause theres 2 other girls here going to my mission as well and they said it took them a long time to get there visas but im just glad i dont have to visa wait and worry about the weight of my suitcases anymore than i need to!! The one thing im REALLY not looking forward to is the fact that my first flight is 10 hours to Sao Paulo, Brazil and my second one is another 4 to Montevideo, Uruguay...thats too long haha but worth it

also at some point this week, i think it was friday, but we were having a pretend ward council meeting in spanish, and my teacher says to Elder Charlton "Usted es el obispo" (you are the bishop) and elder charlton was lijke "¿Que?" and so she told im again "usted es un obispo" and then again elder Charlton was like what haha so she tells him again but slower this time and is like "Usted. Es. Un. Obispo." haha and he still doesnt understand what she´s saying and he thinks long and hard for a good 2 minuets and finally asks "wait did you just call me a baseball?" and all of us just start laughing because right after he asked that question he was like "wait you mean bishop" 😂😂 we have a lot of those moments here but all that matters is that we´re all trying

1. My favorite picture here of the savior
2. Elder Lee and Elder Gobel
3. Elder Poulson and Elder Rowley
4. Everyone who called me coach because they left this week haha
5. A picture of the Savior that the Elder Walker from my district drew me 

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Another Bonus Emil This Week - Picture Heavy!

My bonus email from Katie this week was nothing but pictures...LOTS of pictures. I still love it! I wasn't given any context to share with you. Enjoy!

The One Where If You Get the Wong Gong, You've Gong Wong

This week has been super super busy!! I can now officialy tell the whole Joseph Smith story solomente en español y also the entire first lesson in under 2 minutes for contacting purposes! I´m kind of proud of myself to be honest! We lost our latino distrito este semana pero esta BI-EN haha they´re going to do super great and amazing things!
We´ve been getting a lot closer as a district recently because our Book of mormon share times have been getting really deep!! i´m also kind of an airhead sometimes (what else is new) but now im the butt of a lot of our inside jokes but we all have jokes on each other and its super fun because we use them against eachother! 
We play lots and lots of volleyball here and i thought it was gonna be like PE volleyball but its actually so fun because its super competetive because we play with everyone from everywhere and its so funny cause everyone here calls me coach! they always ask me how to do certain skills and thats why they call me that haha also i have like 8 bruises on my knees haha pero esta bien 
Also im super sorry for the random spanish because im in between 2 languages and my mind keeps automatically saying certain words in spanish...ill probs forget english honestly haha 

P.S. If you guys wanna send me little notes or anything else, use missionarypackagemx.org and you  can send me stuff! Letters are free and i´ll get them the day you send them to me!! My district is 7B (: 

1. Latino Elders!!
2. our fave latinos
3. hermanas en mí distrito
4. meeeeee 😊

I Forgot About the Wong Gong Thing!
So last night we had a devotional by elder Gong and his wife and it was super cool!! so it was actually 
a broadcast from provo and they both shared super cool messages! so sister gong talked a lot about 
ministering and being nice to everyone even if we dont like them very much because you never know 
what theyre going through! Elder gong spoke to us about kind of the same thing and built off of what his 
wife said and talked a lot about joseph smith and the importance of missionary work and how we 
shouldn´t take what happened in the sacred grove for granted. he also said that the guy who owns the 
property the sacred grove is on knows about the history but isnt a member. he also has a really strong 
testimony about what happened there! anyways i just thought it was cool!!