Friday, May 24, 2019

The One With The Jellyfish Hats

Hola Amigos!!!
This week has been super crazy! Más español y más experiencias! So this week we taught like 4 actual lessons solomente en español!! It was so hard pero esta bien! lessons have been rough because l dont have a full vocabulary but its really coming together really well! the lesson we taught yesterday was me favorite because it was about the plan of salvation and for those of you who know me know that that means a lot to me! so while we were teaching the lesson she was really sad and we asked her why she was sad and then she told us why and then all of a sudden a scripture just popped into my head and then bam i shared it in spanish and explained why it was important to me and why it was relevant to her and the spirit taught the rest of the lesson. we didnt even finish everything we had planned haha but the spirit was more important! 

Jellyfish hats: so during service yesterday we had to clean up the comidor and put the rest of lunch away and while we were doing this we got told that we had to wear we did...uhhhh it wasn´t our P-day so i dont have a picture but we legit looked like those jellyfish from shark tales and it was just super great because no one could take anyone seriously and uhhh yeah haha that was a moment lol

Food hasn´t really gotten any different haha still have to eat mostly fruits and salad bc everything has cheese and uhhh yeah haha so thats not fun but on monday morning we were informed that we were not allowed to be outside or have the windows open beacuse the pollution was so bad it broke the record high in mexico haha so thats been fun... the air here is so so so dry which is super nice compared to georgia humidity and it makes me laugh when people complain about the heat because it literally feels so nice out because the humidity is nonexistent but that also means lotion and chapstick are my bestest pals! also im making so so so many friends out here!!! Ill put pictures haha but literally I love everyone here!!!

Hermana Anderson

P.S. If you guys wanna send me little notes or anything else, use and you  can send me stuff! Letters are free and i´ll get them the day you send them to me!! My district is 7B (: you can do snail mail too but i only have like 3 weeks left here starting monday and I dont know how long it takes to get stuff that way haha 

1. Elder Más Más (Elder More)
2.Elder Wells y Elder Walker
3. Meditating bc why not
4. Elder Bake-a-Cake (Elder Bake) y Elder Hale
5. Hermana Kiene

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