Wednesday, May 15, 2019

The One With The Dancing Cups

"Hey everyone!!! So the first week here in the CCM has been so CRAZY!!! I´ve already learned SO SO SO MUCH Spanish (well alot for it only being my first week haha) but so far we´ve learned how to meet peope, pray, bare testimony, and share scriptures! and in this week we have already taught 3 mini lessons in spanish and contacted lots of people (obviously just voluteers here at the CCM but still). Its been so so crazy. Honestly for those of you who are/ were in the provo MTC you guys have it pretty easy haha memorizing things in english is hard enough as it is, but memorizing in spanish??? way harder haha, not only do we have to memorize in spanish, but we also have to memorize in english as well so we actually know what we´re saying haha, to say the least its kind of a struggle! Anyways it´s been a little hard here because my vocabulary is still limitied, but the spirit says what it wants to say whether its through words or some point this week, i dont remeber what day, but we had to share scriptures with eachother in class and of corse me and mí compañera got paired up with the teachers so it HAD to be all spanish! anyways, i was sharing a scripture in mosiah and after i read it to them i was trying to explain why the scripture was important to me but i didnt know how to translate all the words and the spirit was just so strong and i was getting so overwhelmed and i just started crying haha which was embarassing but I said what i knew how to say and left it at that haha. 

also i really really love my district! we have all our meals together and do LOTS of study together! and my Zone?? all of the people in my zone are so fun! we play volleyball everyday and come up with a bunch of fun/funny little sayings and some of them are common sayings that we just say with funny voices but its lots of fun. one thing that we do is in volleyball if someone misses a serve we all say "otra ves" or however thats spelled and then the person who´s serving has to curtsey before they serve again haha 

Dancing cups: so basically one day we had to have some health meeting that was required to go to so they can
give us some precautions to keep us from getting sick or hurt and then randomly they just start playing this spanish video where these cups full of water just start dancing and talking about why its important to drink 8 glasses a day lol everyone was laughing but seriously if you guys have the time you should look it up.

Food: uhhhh well most of the food here that looks yummy has a lot of cheese on it and so i cant really eat it but sad story, so one day i got super tired of living off of the fruit and salad that i decided it would be a good idea to eat the fettuchini alfredo...well it wasn´t and i ended up getting sick and it was just not a very fun experience haha so i´ll just stick to the fruits and salad with the occasional chicken and beef.

anyways, I hope yall are doing well and that this upcoming week is SUPER BIEN!!!!!

-Hermana Anderson

Idk what order these are in but there me and my roommates, me and the other hermanas in the district, the district, my nametag, and the sunrise where you cant really see the sun that well because of all the dirt smoke and smog in the air."

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