Friday, May 31, 2019

This Week Included A Bonus Email

we just got back from the temple...the mexico city temple is the biggest temple outside of the united states and its sunk 5 feet since its been built because mexico city is on like a riverbed or something? or at least the temple is? idk

this is the moana skirt

The One Where Elder Holland Dropped A Spiritual Bomb

WOW. So so so many spiritual experiences this week. So to start off...we were spoken to by Niel L. Andersen (obviously from the 12), Bro. and Sis. Pingrid (from the 70), and Jeffery R. Holland (of the freakin 12!!!!) and then we watched an MTC talk from Elder Bednar (also from the 12). I also went to the temple today and it was super cool because i chose to do the whole thing in spanish, they gave us the option to have translators but i wanted to do it without one because i wanted to see how much I could understand (which was only like 45% but it was still cool) I even did all the talking parts in Spanish´s crazy to think that I´ll have gone though the temple more times in spanish than english when i come home off the mission haha.

From Niel L. Andersen (talking about repentance):
-there is no one who can teach the atonement better than one who has experienced it´s healing power
-the lord does not expect us to be perfect, but to constantly be trying to be increasingly pure
-when we choose to repent we choose to change and become more like christ
-don´t think that the lord will not help you because he will
-the lord will always be blessing you whether you realize it or not

Sis Pingrid: 
-life is good, life in serving the lord is good, life is beautiful

Bro. Pingrid: 
-understand and appreciate what the savior has done for you 

ELDER HOLLAND (about the experience of being a missionary)
-however much you know about church or about being a missionary, you have NO IDEA what lies ahead
-immerse yourself in the service of god because he is the one who made it possible for you to be here
-serve with all your heart so that noting can make you believe anything other than that the gospel is true
-service should mean everything to you
-be in it 100% of the time
-love the tough times as much as the good
-do it god´s way or your way but gods way is the right way
-poem:  Come to the edge he said, no we´ll fall. Come to the edge he said, no we´ll fall. COME to the edge he said, and so we came. and when we came, he pushed us, and we flew.
-"remember for the rest of your life that you heard me say this: THIS is God´s very truth"

Funny moments: so i got asked why i never eat the ice cream in the comidor which is because dairy makes me feel super sick and elder hunter with his bright self decided i had a "lactation problem" and it´s hilarious because well...I dont have kids hahaha pero esta bien

1. Mexico City Temple Visitors Center
2. My District
3. The Girls
4.Handshake with Elder Bake
5. Uruguay
6.Traditional Skirt (got it bc it looks like Moana)
7. Su Objetivo


Friday, May 24, 2019

The One With The Jellyfish Hats

Hola Amigos!!!
This week has been super crazy! Más español y más experiencias! So this week we taught like 4 actual lessons solomente en español!! It was so hard pero esta bien! lessons have been rough because l dont have a full vocabulary but its really coming together really well! the lesson we taught yesterday was me favorite because it was about the plan of salvation and for those of you who know me know that that means a lot to me! so while we were teaching the lesson she was really sad and we asked her why she was sad and then she told us why and then all of a sudden a scripture just popped into my head and then bam i shared it in spanish and explained why it was important to me and why it was relevant to her and the spirit taught the rest of the lesson. we didnt even finish everything we had planned haha but the spirit was more important! 

Jellyfish hats: so during service yesterday we had to clean up the comidor and put the rest of lunch away and while we were doing this we got told that we had to wear we did...uhhhh it wasn´t our P-day so i dont have a picture but we legit looked like those jellyfish from shark tales and it was just super great because no one could take anyone seriously and uhhh yeah haha that was a moment lol

Food hasn´t really gotten any different haha still have to eat mostly fruits and salad bc everything has cheese and uhhh yeah haha so thats not fun but on monday morning we were informed that we were not allowed to be outside or have the windows open beacuse the pollution was so bad it broke the record high in mexico haha so thats been fun... the air here is so so so dry which is super nice compared to georgia humidity and it makes me laugh when people complain about the heat because it literally feels so nice out because the humidity is nonexistent but that also means lotion and chapstick are my bestest pals! also im making so so so many friends out here!!! Ill put pictures haha but literally I love everyone here!!!

Hermana Anderson

P.S. If you guys wanna send me little notes or anything else, use and you  can send me stuff! Letters are free and i´ll get them the day you send them to me!! My district is 7B (: you can do snail mail too but i only have like 3 weeks left here starting monday and I dont know how long it takes to get stuff that way haha 

1. Elder Más Más (Elder More)
2.Elder Wells y Elder Walker
3. Meditating bc why not
4. Elder Bake-a-Cake (Elder Bake) y Elder Hale
5. Hermana Kiene

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

The One With The Dancing Cups

"Hey everyone!!! So the first week here in the CCM has been so CRAZY!!! I´ve already learned SO SO SO MUCH Spanish (well alot for it only being my first week haha) but so far we´ve learned how to meet peope, pray, bare testimony, and share scriptures! and in this week we have already taught 3 mini lessons in spanish and contacted lots of people (obviously just voluteers here at the CCM but still). Its been so so crazy. Honestly for those of you who are/ were in the provo MTC you guys have it pretty easy haha memorizing things in english is hard enough as it is, but memorizing in spanish??? way harder haha, not only do we have to memorize in spanish, but we also have to memorize in english as well so we actually know what we´re saying haha, to say the least its kind of a struggle! Anyways it´s been a little hard here because my vocabulary is still limitied, but the spirit says what it wants to say whether its through words or some point this week, i dont remeber what day, but we had to share scriptures with eachother in class and of corse me and mí compañera got paired up with the teachers so it HAD to be all spanish! anyways, i was sharing a scripture in mosiah and after i read it to them i was trying to explain why the scripture was important to me but i didnt know how to translate all the words and the spirit was just so strong and i was getting so overwhelmed and i just started crying haha which was embarassing but I said what i knew how to say and left it at that haha. 

also i really really love my district! we have all our meals together and do LOTS of study together! and my Zone?? all of the people in my zone are so fun! we play volleyball everyday and come up with a bunch of fun/funny little sayings and some of them are common sayings that we just say with funny voices but its lots of fun. one thing that we do is in volleyball if someone misses a serve we all say "otra ves" or however thats spelled and then the person who´s serving has to curtsey before they serve again haha 

Dancing cups: so basically one day we had to have some health meeting that was required to go to so they can
give us some precautions to keep us from getting sick or hurt and then randomly they just start playing this spanish video where these cups full of water just start dancing and talking about why its important to drink 8 glasses a day lol everyone was laughing but seriously if you guys have the time you should look it up.

Food: uhhhh well most of the food here that looks yummy has a lot of cheese on it and so i cant really eat it but sad story, so one day i got super tired of living off of the fruit and salad that i decided it would be a good idea to eat the fettuchini alfredo...well it wasn´t and i ended up getting sick and it was just not a very fun experience haha so i´ll just stick to the fruits and salad with the occasional chicken and beef.

anyways, I hope yall are doing well and that this upcoming week is SUPER BIEN!!!!!

-Hermana Anderson

Idk what order these are in but there me and my roommates, me and the other hermanas in the district, the district, my nametag, and the sunrise where you cant really see the sun that well because of all the dirt smoke and smog in the air."

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Current Mailing Address

If you would like to send Katie letters, here is her address for now:
Sister KateLynn Paige Anderson
Uruguay Montevideo Mission
Mexico Missionary Training Center
Carretera Tenayuca-Chalmita #828
Gustavo A. Macri
Colonia Zona Escolar
07230 Mexico City, Distrito Federal

No packages can be sent to this address.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Hermana Anderson's Email

She would love to hear from you all! Keep in mind that her writing time is limited and that she may not be able to write you individually.

"5 Minute Email"

"I made it here alive! All I´m really allowed to do in this email is tell you when my P-Days are which is Wednesday and that I won´t be allowed to send group emails until next week. Also one crazy thing that´s already happened is on the way to the CCM someone got out of their car in the middle of traffic to wash their windshield...and traffic had to move around them! anyways, another email to be sent next week. 

Hermana Anderson"

Monday, May 6, 2019

More Sibling Pictures


I had to get some pictures of all the kids together. But, first I had to redo a picture that I got of them years ago. Here's the old picture:

Here's the new, redone picture!

Here are some fun pictures to enjoy!

One Last Family Dinner

Grandma A took us all out for one last special dinner as a family. One of Katie's favorite places, Olive Garden. We had a wonderful waiter that was so excited for Katie's mission adventures. Before we left, he brought her out a special little something.

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Uruguay Is So Lucky

The people of Uruguay are so lucky. Look at this girl! We'll all miss her at home, but it's all worth it. She's going to do amazing things.

Sister Anderson!

Today KateLynn was set apart as a missionary. Introducing Sister Anderson! She leaves this week to serve the people in Montevideo, Uruguay. She will be gone for 18 months. I'll post more pictures soon.

Families Are Forever

Tuesday April 30th, 2019