Friday, March 20, 2020


Hola hola amigos!!! We have permisiĆ³n to write twice a week now buuuutttt...Im alive and still rona free solo para que sepan but theres been a lot of changes!!!! Like its actually first of all theres a lot of nothing been going on with the work because well haha everyone is scared of the virus so everyone cancelled on us AND we as missionaries are on a lil "cuarentine" where basically we cant leave the house other than to go to the church building for video lessons and to go to the store for food if we need it! Also we can no longer use our nametags because people know we're foreigners and they get real sensitive around us and we have to use normal clothes!!!! We cant even use missionary clothes!!! Not even in video charlas can we use our nametags and missionary clothes!!! And i have to walk around with the copy of my passport incase anyone stops me like this whole thing is a lil wild BUT its okay...the last time a huge global freakout happened the restauracion took place (if youve read at least the first chapter of saints you already know that) so i actually have no fear of this virus thing cause i know something huge and essential to our preparation is about to happen!!! Its literally all about the faith so keep strengthening yourself and everything will be okay!!!! See yall on monday!!!! Hermana anderson

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