Monday, October 28, 2019


Holaaaaaaa!!!! Este semana fue súper bien de verdad!! We did some more service those week for an investigador of the other hermanas in our ward named Pablo and hes súper bueno!! I found a huge four leaf clover in his yard and i was like oooooo today is about to be poppin and guess what happenedddddd, i put 3 baptismal dates!! Then all this week we found súper awesome people to teach! Im súper excited la verdad!! 
Also this week i was in Montevideo! Had to do my cédula, the part where they take your finger prints and your picture and stuff...well my fingerprints...they suck after that service activity with that awful paint that dries your hands super bad and i didnt have good prints para nadaaaaa so i had to reprint like 3 times which apparently required 3 different pictures haha so that was annoying but whatever. On the way home i Sat next to this dude whos a firefighter...but the firefighters have cooler names here haha theyre called bomberos!! 
Alsoooooo good news, im no longer washing my clothes by hand haha we got a washer!! But that means we had to mover the old one out...which was súper heavy and i moved it all by myself which i was proud of myself haha but now all my clothes are cleannnnnn and that means a happy hermana Anderson 

1. Soy moana 
2. Servicio
3. Brenda! 
4. Right after i hit my head cause the secretarys are scary drivers
5. Paisaje!

Wednesday, October 23, 2019


Holaaaaaa este semana era muuyyy bien!! Súper ocupado pero súper bien! So we found a butt ton of menos activos this week and theyre all súper súper good like im actually really sad they dont come to church...the best part is, is that theyre incomplete families so possibly we could help the rest of the familia get baptized!! 
Then we had service this week where we painted a high school but the paint here is soooooo weird like it completely destroyed my hands and no ammount of lotion is fixing it and now im super sad about that cause i dont like how my hands feel...they feel like theyre covered in chalk thats how dry they are from this paint stuff and well...its the price of the lords work haha its worth it!
Also i had to kilo a roach 😭😭😭😭😭 so first off...i already hate roaches. But roaches here are a whole new level. Like in the states the roaches are like the video game itself and the roaches here are the extra boss this roach was the size of my hand!!!! Haha lets just say i cried for a while because when i found it i was in the bathroom. I hate roaches.
Also remember the Harry Potter dog? IT freakin got out of its yard and i freaked out and we started running because it was coming at us haha and then this super tiny dog came out of no where and basically committed suicide because it started atacking the big dog and well...poor doggo but basically the church is true and the book is blue haha

Hasta la próxima semana!!
Hermana Anderson 

1. Servicio
2. What we find un fast food restaurants
3. Selfieeee (como siempre)
4. La Riveraaaaa 
5. Me in the areaaa

Tuesday, October 15, 2019


Holaaaaaa genteeeeee
This week was super good...rained a lot...but super good!! Like it rained so much that the streets were rivers and  a couple of the houses here were literally trapped by they couldnt go in or out of the house...thats how much water there was sunday haha but its all good now! We have cambios a week early this week and im staying with the colombiana so im super happy about that. 
asloooooooo we went to brazil todayyyyy!!! that was super awesomeeee! i was in 2 countries at once so i have Mexico, Uruguay, and Brazil that ive been to here in the mish ;) not a lot of people can say that! but also because we went to brazil i dont have too much time to write so ill have a better email next week! 

love yall
Hermana Anderson

1. ay man im in brazil
3. Selfie
4. More rain
5. Ay man im in 2 countries at once


Hola genteeeee! Este semana era re biennn! We did lots of knocking doors this week because we needed more people to teach...we have a lot of really good people that we're teaching, we'll have someone on fetcha soon so thats exciting! we also found some really nice people to teach so thats really great!!! im really excited to teach them!!

we had intercambios this week so that was super fun!! we went contacting in between conference sessions and we found this woman who was crying and so we halped her and shared a scripture and she ALMOST came to conference with us for the afternoon session which would have been BOMB because she just lost her dad exactly a year ago and has allllll the right questions and im actually sooooooooooo mad shes not in my area because shes so good!!!!

also conference...watched it all in spanish...interesting experience...i understood like 90% of what was said but yeah i was super proud of the 4 of us in the house because literally every question we had been talking about in the weeks up to conference were exactly what were being answered in conference, we were very prepared haha i have like 8 pages of notes soooooo lets just say that conference was very gooooooddddd!!!! president nelsons talk for the women basically, if you dont have the priesthood in your mmm try again. hahaha i love that man haha hes adorable but very baja la caña!!! 

but hope everyone has a good week this week!!

Hermana Anderson

1. Cool Door
2. Selfie como siempre
3. Just the campo
4. Us 4 in the house


holllaaaaaa so this week wasa SUPER awesome!!!! first of all its only like 9 days into spring and we're already dying of heat haha like its super hot haha it feels like the end of june!!! im nottttt ready for summer haha we have to wear pants in the summer every day starting november 1 and right now we're dying in our skirts and dresses so this shall be an interesting adventure haha we had a zone activity today where we played volleyball so that was fun but then i also learned how to play rugby...i learned that i suck at rugby but i got told that i play really god for not even knowing what the sport was (basiclayy i suck haha) but anyways we made some major progress in out area!!

Fransisco: soooooo the missionaries have been teaching fransisco for a LOOONNNGGGGGGG time!!! hes super good knows all the answers but also has A LOT of really good questions so we keep teaching him, the only reason he isnt baptized is because he smokes like...a lot, and also doesnt come to church because he wants to stop smoking first...well we had a charla with him this week about profets and how the profets give us new commandments and then we kinda talked about the word of wisdom and basically we were like, we wanna help you stop smoking and so we were like, we know you're gonna buy more, but can we have all your cigaretts and tobaco? legit he gave us EVERYTHING he had and so we just had all this tobaco and we felt like sinners cause we didnt know what to do with it but yeah that happenedddd

Yaki: THIS WOMAN IS THE BESTTTTT so basically one day we were knocking doors on the way to another charla and i saw this house and i wanted to knock it but we needed to get to the charla so we didnt knock it but the next day we knocked it and Yaki comes out and shes super awesome and wanted to listen to us so we had 2 charlas with her this week ON TOP OF BEING CONTACTED and shes super awesome she told us "you guys keep saying that god has perfect timing and... i think that this is my time!" she also told us that the day we didnt knock her door she saw me looking at her house and wanted to talk to us but wasnt going to answer the door if wee knocked because she was crying because she just lost her job, but then the next day we knocked her door and she started telling us how much of a blessing we were....i think i smell a baptism haha but she even came to church this week!!!! i actually love her

hope yall have a good week!!
Hermana Anderson