Tuesday, September 24, 2019


Holaaaaa!!! Y'all the weather here has been so so so nice recently its not even funny!!! Like i havent seen real sun since mexico because its been so so cold but htis week its been super nice and i actually got a little bit of a sunburn thats now a tan haha so thats fun haha!! work with hermana Trespalacio is the beeesssttttt!!! we work so well together and we teach super well together too!!! we almost got some of the harder investigators to come to church this week!!! one of them even told us yes he would come and then he asked is wife like what do you think and she was like "vamos" but then she was like actually...we'll come if we have a desire to come and it was sooooo ughhhh haha but its fine.

also we almost died again haha brought back memories of when i was in lascano and almost died there too because some maniac came at me with a saw haha but heres what happened, so we were contacting in the farthest part of our area because its HUGE so we dont go out there too often, but we were on the way back from contacting and hermana Tres palacio stops at a house that we had already knocked and no one answered and i was like hey we already knocked here and she was like trust me we wanna knock here and i was like but no one came to the door haha and she was like no we want to knock here. so i was like okay bueno lets knock again and i turned my head to the side and theres this drugged up man walking around with an arm full of stuff and a HUGE knife!!!! i turned my head back really slow and i was like "hermana...este hombre tiene una cuchilla" (this mans got a knife) and she was like yeah thats why we're knocking and so she starts waving at the house like theres someone home but there's not, and this man comes up legit super close behind us and i saw the knife and he was like "hola mi amor" like right in my face  y por suerte something fell out of his arms and he bent over to pick it up cause we started running!!! haha but yeah this week has been an adventure!!!

also on my birthday i was on splits because my companion was having problems with her back so we were coming back and then right as we turned the corner i got attacked by 2 bags of flour!!!! it was like friday night football games in highschool haha except x1000!! but it was fun...i still have flour in my book of mormon but its fine haha
love you guys!

This is my address if you want to send me letters cause i love reading those things!!
Hermana KateLynn Anderson

Misión Uruguay Montevideo
Dalmiro Costa 4635 Bis Malvino 11400 
Montevideo Uruguay
1. Paisaje foto conmigo 
2. Just a birthday selfie

3. Baugh and my comp attacked me with 2 bags of flour...
4. Mi área 
5. Another selfie my dudes cause im actually tan in this one haha

Thursday, September 19, 2019


hola hola genteeeeee
this week has been pretty good actually!!! got a new companion this week! her name is hermana trespalacio haha...we call her hermana tresplatos because she eats so much  i love her though shes so so so awesome!!! we have a lot of things to do and one day we were knocking doors and when we were knocking this one door no one opened so we went to walk away and immediatly sank into the mud like...no joke we sank straight down haha it was like indiana jones or something.

Alsooooooo today is my birthday!!! today we just had a zone activity and they made me a cake so that was super sweet! also the missionaries in the offices sent me a nice little voice message of them all singing some sort of version of happy birthday and thay all sang it someway different haha theyre all crazy but we're all buddy buddy because i had to be in montevideo pretty much all last cambio but its fun!!! but yeah! other than that my birthday hjas been pretty good!!!


Holaaaaaaa! This week was pretty good! went to and from Montevideo twice...soooo thats fun, but also i spent a lot of my time basicly training the jóvenes  some more because my companion still cant walk soooo thats a little hard because im still learning myself but we have some really good experiencias! It rained a lot this week too so the rain has been really annoying but theres miracles in the rain. There was this house that i really though we should knock and i was with a jóven soooo we knocked it because i wanted to and this Lady comes out and we start talking to her and ask her if she believes in god to start getting more spiritual and she start talking us and says "3 years ago i didnt believe in god but then i got shot and the bullet went straight through my body but also part of the bullet exploded in my chest and the shards stopped 3 centimeters from my heart and im lucky to even have my life right now." Then she started telling us she didnt know why she was alive and but she said "now i believe in god and that he gave me a second chance to become more like him" sooooo basically we found gold!! Anyways it was super cool to fund her! 
Yesterday we has literally the worst storm everrrrrr and i thought we were gonna die  you know how when hurricanes hit Florida they always show the Palma trees Boeing in the wind?? Lolll Wells we have a palm tree in front of our house and it was blowing and bending sooooooo so so farrrr!!! And thennnnn it started HAILING for like 10 minutes straight golfball size hail!!! And the power was out for like the whole morning lol...wasnt a hurricane but basically felt like it should have been...plus thats how i woke up yesterday soooo that was less than pleasant but uhhh its okay im alive haha!

Also im getting a new comp! Shes from Colombia too!! Im so excited haha i really only wanna have latina comps haha my spanish is so much better now so i wanna keep that going!
Have a good week

Hermana Anderson

1. Me and my mom in Colombia (she wants to adopta me haha)

2. Avocadoooo

3. Me and Hermana Rojas at the temple

4. Weekly selfie

5. Que esta haciendo con su vida!


This week has been pretty good la verdad! So we are still going back and forth to and from Montevideo for my companion's foot, but its all good! So we were in Montevideo for an appointment but the appointment turned into 2 which meant we had to stay the night with hermana King again! So that was super duper fun! But the next day was the oro conference and her other appointment wasnt until later that night, so we ended up going to the oro conference too which was fun because they ended up doing a session in the temple but we didnt because we had video charlas, oh by the way haha we got phones! But we share as a companionship! So we did our video charlas with the temple in the background and wanna know what happened during one of our charlas? Ya girl invited them to be baptized because i actually knew enough spanish to not do it the robot way (word for word from preach my gospel) and wanna know what they said? They said yes!!!! So now we have a baptism scheduled for the 28 of this month so hopefully it doesnt fall through! 
The news from the doctor at my comps appointment was a little annoying haha so nothing is wrong with her foot, she just has really really bad tendonitis...and the doctor said that she cant do ANYTHING for 10 days so ever since then ive been working in splits with the youth in the stake...its weird because im basically training them and im still in my training! Like im not perfect at this whole missionary thing haha but i try to be! Anyways, its been really fun!

Hermana KateLynn Anderson
Misión Uruguay Montevideo
Dalmiro Costa 4635 Bis Malvino 11400 
Montevideo Uruguay

1. me my comp and the temple

2.after zone conference

3. Me and Regina (one of the youth)

4. Week selfie! (Ya sabían)

Sunday, September 1, 2019


They robbed me of my pday this week and that made me so sad haha so we literally had to ask president today for permission to email today haha but anyways, this week was so weird...so first off, we did absolutely nothing...uhhhh that was so freakin weird. so, hermana rojas hurt her foot really bad so we've been going too and from montevideo a lot to take adventures to the hospital and yall...this hospital is the nicest hospital ive ever seen in my life...its like the grey's anatomy hospital on steroids!! we have to go back on thursday soooo suerte para nosotros haha! also we took a temple trip this week with our converts and it was super super awesome! it was a really good experiencia for real for real! but because we were in montevideo, i got to see hermana king again!!! and the girl hermana king is training, hermana robinson, is someone that my teacher in the ccm told me to keep an eye out for and so now i have another friend in the mission!!! but anyways, i dont really have a lot of time this week but i just wanted to say that i'm alive haha

1.new bling haha (love you kels!!)

2. me and hermana rojas at the temple!

3. hermana king and hermana robinson!

4. me and hermana robinson!

5. paisaje! (from a bus)