Monday, July 8, 2019


HOLAAAAA!! This week has actually been a really good one aside from all the cold weather...legit there was actually frost everywhere yesterday morning and our breath in the house has us looking like vape gods haha which sucks but it is what it is. So the 4th of July was this week as you all probably know (send pictures of all the fun things you guys did!!) and since its freezing here we didnt really celebrate too too much buttttttt, we made a giant cookie cake haha and in red and blue roklets (Uruguay's version of m&ms) and wrote out USA and then after we cooked it we put red and blue candles in it and lit them and started singing God Bless America hahaa you basically do anything so that you are siempre viviendo su mejor vida. 

Also we got a new branch president!! He's from Chile and hes super super awesome!! President Escobar has really really nice spanish!! like really nice spanish its probably the first time in the mission ive been able to understand everything in spanish from anyone other than my companion. I mean other than the vocabulary words i didnt already know, i could pretty much understand everything he said, so basically i might not have to live in the awful house anymore haha...he told us that we are all gonna do great things but that they were going to take care of us first!! so he basically said he doesnt want us living in moldy houses (which we do), he doesnt want us to be freezing (which we do), and he also doesnt want us to have anything else wrong with our houses like water or electricity (which we do haha)...the only problem is that here in our area there really isnt much of anywhere else to live haha but our house is going to be better soon so thats super nice.

also we had a baptism!! the first baptism here in lascano in 6 months!!! it was super good and hermana cecilia was super cute haha we called her earlier in the day to see how she was doing and she told us she was so nervous haha but then right before the baptism we asked her how she was and she said she was so so happy!! and then the next day was her confirmation and she got up and bore her testimony and it was the sweetest thing!! 

alsoooooooo so the title of my email has something to do with dogs and if you were in the CCM with me, no im not talking about my toes hahaaaa. so the dogs here are actually so so crazy here and theyre all stray and people train them to be mean. so the other day we were out working and so we knock on this door and this dog comes running around the corner and like starts climbing the fence so i just take like three steps back and i slip on a rock haha and almost fall in to a sewage drain...these dogs got me losin my mind...i actually really like dogs but after being here idk mannnn haha theyre too much for me somethimes.

1. Yo
2. Yo otra ves
3. Mì compañera y Yo
4. Hermana Cecilia y Yo
5. Just a lil message to the USofA from us Americans here in the UY

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